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English Real Estate Seminars

Basics of CRIM

Waldemar Cruz
La inscripción para esta clase está actualmente cerrada.

What CRIM means and how it affects our real estate transactions will be discussed. In addition, terminology such as property tax, debt certification, exoneration and others will be explained according to the new law amendments.

Aquí tienes el esquema de la clase:

1. Basics of CRIM

In this lesson we will be discussing what the CRIM is, and how it affects our daily real estate transactions.

2. Property Tax

As real estate brokers, property tax is an integral and unavoidable portion of our business. During this lesson we will be taking a closer look at the Certification of Debt, as well as exonerations, rules and regulations which tend to affect our every day real estate transactions.

3. New or Amended Laws and regulations

As time passes, often Laws rules and regulations are changed or amended to better suit the purpose for which there were created. This lesson contains the latest additions, or amendments which have the potential to affect our real estate business.

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